Hello again…
Indeed, a greeting may be appropriate here as it has been quite some time since I have actively blogged which, for all intents and purposes, has been for good reason.
After a decade of continuous blogging with a minimum of at least one (hopefully) informative article per month, I had made a conscious decision to take a step back, re-evaluate, and, on the peripheral, dedicate my otherwise allocated writing time towards focusing on the many aspects of future Web Development.
With that in mind, my time spent has been put to good use, and so, I’ve decided to begin sharing my experiences here more frequently once again; both trivial and non-trivial alike.
The fact is, I miss writing, and outside of day to day writing of general API docs and the occasional technical spec, I haven’t had a dedicated space to share my more subjective, creative thoughts about modern Web Development. Enough about me, though, I’ll get to the point…
Before I delve into the specific topics I plan to discuss, I think it makes sense to first outline an underlying theme which will permeate throughout my future articles. Specifically, I plan to to focus on topics and technologies which I believe will, to a certain extent, transcend the more immediate trends within the Web Development landscape that tend to come and go with the times. I strongly believe it is essential for our community to continue on a path of sustainable growth, and the path of least resistance will more than likely be in our ability to move from library to library, framework to framework, easily and with minimal transition. This is imperative as the rate at which technologies are changing has grown exponentially in the past few years, perhaps no where more so than in the Web Development space. As such, the ability to identify and focus on core underlying concepts, principles and technologies which will remain relevant for some time to come becomes ever more important.
The simple fact is, we need to pay particular attention to what we dedicate our time to learning, and ensure our learning is focused on key aspects that can carry over as each new technology increases in adoption, and then makes way for the next in line.
With that in mind, I plan to focus this space on my findings and most recent experiences with current Web Development technologies of interest, particularly, but not limited to, the recent work of the TC39 Committee, all things ES2015 / ES2016, React / Redux, Webpack, Web Components, Polymer, Angular 2, and the many other complimentary tools and technologies surrounding modern workflows.
So stay tuned, as always, there’s a lot to talk about! Good things to come …
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