Data Binding with AS3 Signals

Over the past few years the Presentation Model Pattern has picked up a lot of traction in the Flex world as it allows for an abstracted representation of a views model and state which can easily be tested. Core to it’s implementation is the facilitation of data bindings between a PMs model and a corresponding View’s controls. Implementing data bindings between a view and its associated PM is quite straightforward when leveraging data binding in Flex – simply annotate a property, getter or class with [Bindable] metadata. A basic example of which can be seen as follows:

Then a typical Flex data binding expression can be defined within a particular property of a control where the binding is to take place against the property of the Presentation Model instance:

As you can see this is quite simple and easy to implement. But how does one accomplish this without the use of Flex’s native data binding facility?

This may seem like a rather moot question as its hard to imagine why someone would choose to not take advantage of Flex data binding to accomplish synchronizing a view with its PM. However, just recently I found myself in need of a solution for this problem…

I have been experimenting with AS3 Signals lately as I find them to be a nice alternative to Flash Player Events. This especially makes sense in the context of Presentation Models as, at least in my experience, event Bubbling within the display list simply isn’t necessary when binding a component to a property of a PM. Furthermore, while I am not particularly biased against Flash Players event model, its implementation is very much a black-box, and AS3 Signals allows for a good level of abstraction and control of the Signaling mechanism. So I contemplated how this may improve a Presentation Models implementation and decided to see how Signals could be implemented with a PM; however I first needed to find a solution which would allow Signals to provide the same functionality as data binding.

Essentially, implementing “pseudo” data bindings with AS3 Signals can be accomplished much the same as can be seen in BindingUtils. I developed a SignalDataBinding API which will feel somewhat familiar to those who have worked with BindingUtils in the past. SignalDataBinding provides an API allowing for the creation of pseudo data bindings within a Signal against a property of a host object which is facilitated via the creation of runtime functions which are managed by the API.

For example, suppose you are using AS3Signals and wanted to bind a label’s text property to the value of another object. With the SignalDataBinding API this could be accomplished as follows:

Then, in the view from which the bindings are to be defined you would explicitly add bindings as follows:

And that’s basically it. Additional levels of abstraction could easily be defined in order to provide common base classes which encapsulate the SignalDataBinding instance etc. Additionally, I do not see any reason why the SignalDataBinding API could not be utilized in AS3 projects as well as Flash projects; for the underlying implementation has no dependencies on the Flex Framework. Thus the SignalDataBinding API could be leveraged in any AS3 project as is, or adapted to implement the Flash Player Event model to provide a BindingUtils implementation for AS3 and / or Flash Projects.

You can view a basic example as well as download the SignalDataBinding API source, docs and binary.

{ 6 comments to read ... please submit one more! }

  1. Eric,

    That’s pretty neat! I think I want to use something like this for Flash projects we’re doing.

    The question I have is why would you want to use this in a Flex project? What kind of corner-cases does it solve, other than providing a more transparent and open implementation? Is it an issue of the overhead with making things bindable?

  2. Hi Aaron,

    This was more or less an exercise resulting from my evaluation of AS3 Signals to see what they have to offer. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it over Binding in Flex. However, I wanted to publish the API as I do feel it would provide value for those who might disregard AS3 Signals because of data binding limitations. This would also suit non-Flex projects well. One argument which I feel would warrant the use of AS3 Signals over Flex data binding would be if something a bit more light weight was warranted (for instance, where event bubbling isn’t necessary, such as in the PM examples).

  3. Bjorn Schultheiss

    I guess thats why they call it AS3Signals and not FlexSignals or MXMLSignals ( :

    the “{}” is pretty handy.
    I’ve been using signals as well, but at the moment only in as code.

  4. Hey Bjorn,

    Yes, essentially what the SignalDataBinding API buys you is the ability to implement data binding in AS3 projects. I wouldn’t necessarily suggest using it in place of Data Binding in Flex, however if ever Signals were being used exclusively and data binding was needed the SignalDataBinding API would provide a convenient solution.

  5. Nice,
    good post! thanks for your hint.

  6. hi eric,
    i’ve started using robotlegs and signals lately, combined with the CommandSignal extension ( my code looks wonderful. now, reading your post, i’ve learnt how to use signals for data binding. even if you honestly recommend not to prefer the SignalDataBinding api in favor of traditional binding my code is virtually screaming to do so 🙂
    thank you very much,

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