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Polymer Behaviors in ES6

Being a typical aspect of Object Oriented Design, inheritance, and mixins, provide the means by which modular reuse patterns can be facilitated within a given system. Similarly, Polymer facilitates code reuse patterns by employing the notion of shared behaviors modules. Let’s take a quick look at how to leverage them in Polymer when using ES6 classes.

Implementing Behaviors

Implementing a Behavior is quite simple, just define an object within a block expression or an IIFE, and expose it via a namespace, or module loader of choice:


Then, include the behavior in a corresponding .html document of the same name so as to allow the behavior to be imported by subsequent elements:


Extending Behaviors

After having defined and exposed a given Behavior, the Behavior can then be extended from element classes by defining a behaviors getter / setter as follows:

Once the behavior has been extended, simply import the behavior in the element’s template (or element bundle, etc.) and it is available to the template class:

Try it

Implementing Multiple Behaviors

Similar to individual behaviors, multiple behaviors can also be defined and extended:



In certain cases, I have found it helpful to group related behaviors together within a new behaviors (array) which bundles the individual behaviors together:

Note: As can be seen in the FourthBehavior, a behavior can also be implemented as an Array of previously defined behaviors.

Extending Multiple Behaviors

As with extending individual behaviors, multiple behaviors can also be extended using a behaviors getter / setter. However, when extending multiple behaviors in ES6, there are syntactic differences which one must take note of. Specifically, the behaviors getter must be implemented as follows:

Try it

And that’s basically all there is to it. Hopefully this article helped outline how Polymer Behaviors can easily be leveraged when implementing elements as ES6 classes. Enjoy.

Chuck Norris on Polymer

For the past several months I have been evaluating potential frameworks which could facilitate the implementation of context aware Web Components such that each component can be assembled declaratively into recombinant features and higher-level applications. After a focused period of prototyping each candidate framework, Polymer 1.x has proven to be the most effective approach to satisfy these particular design goals, and many others as well.

While I have also been leveraging Angular 2 for implementing self-contained Web Applications which need not be composed outside the scope of the application’s root component / template, the requirement to provide elements which can be arbitrarily composed within an html document declaratively or imperatively independent of using any one particular framework is one which proves somewhat challenging; yet, can easily be satisfied by leveraging Web Components, and Polymer simplifies the process of doing so considerably.

Polymer 1.x

On a high-level, Polymer provides some much welcomed sugaring over the four Web Component specifications; HTML Templates, Shadow DOM, HTML Imports, and Custom Elements, respectively. The higher level abstraction and API offered by Polymer significantly simplifies the process of Web Component development, while reducing the time and effort required to meet both simple and complex use-cases alike.

Features provided out-of-the-box embrace that which developers have come to expect from a modern library or framework, such as one-way and two-way binding annotations, template helpers, a Local and Light DOM API, declarative and imperative event mappings, declared properties with observers and attribute reflection, and much more.

Add to this the growing Catalog of Elements provided by the Polymer Project, a complete Web Component Testing solution via WCT, optimization features such as Vulcanization with tooling support for Gulp, API Documentation components via Iron Component Page (though still pending ES6 Support) concise documentation with easy to use examples, and developers are afforded a rather elegant solution for building high quality, future facing Web Components, today.

In addition, Polymer comes in three specific layers, each of which builds upon the previous lower-level implementation. This allows for a nice level of flexibility in choosing the most appropriate implementation based on your specific needs. Depending on what is required, one can choose from the mirco-implementation for providing basic custom element sugaring, the mini-implementation for more advanced local DOM and life-cycle hooks, and the standard-implementation which provides the full suite of Polymer features.

Given the capabilities Polymer has to offer, as well as the growing number of organizations using Polymer, and some rather interesting applications being built with Polymer, if you haven’t already, I highly recommend given it a try.

Chuck Norris!

So what does any of this have to do Chuck Norris?

Well, nothing actually.

Except, like Chuck Norris, Polymer is cool – very cool, and so after accidentally coming across the ICNCB service, I thought a simple Web Component which displays some comical facts about Chuck Norris could serve as a useful Polymer example.

And so, if you like to laugh a bit while learning something new, feel free to clone the repo over on Github to get familiar with a few of Polymer’s general capabilities, or simply check out the app here and have a few laughs.

Coming up, Chuck Norris on Angular 2 …