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Jasmine matchers for Sinon.JS

Lately I have been finding myself writing custom Jasmine matchers which wrap the Sinon.JS API as a convenience. After repeating this process quite a few times I took a step back to see if there was a similar solution already available.

After a brief search, I quickly came across jasmine-sinon which, to my surprise, provides a very similar matcher API to that which I had began implementing. This library really is quite nice as it essentially provides matchers for all common Sinon.JS spies, stubs and mocking use-cases. I am sure jasmine-sinon has saved many developers a lot of time by not having to write their own custom matchers as it has for me.

And so, if you are using both Jasmine and Sinon.JS, and find yourself writing convenience matchers to simplify Sinon.JS integration, jasmine-sinon is an excellent addition which compliments both and is certainly worth considering.