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Synchronizing package.json with yarn.lock

After having used Yarn almost exclusively for the past couple of years, there has been one nagging issue which seemed to continually crop up. Specifically, the inability to have a project’s package.json dependency versions kept in sync with the actual versions in yarn.lock. And so, while running yarn upgrade results in all packages being updated to the latest versions (as specified via the given semver ranges), the versions defined in package.json are not updated to reflect that which they have been upgraded to.

This can prove problematic as, one can not easily discern a project’s dependency versions by simply viewing their respective values in package.json.

In particular, as part of process, after each production release I have scripts which are executed to automate the process of updating all project dependencies to their respective latest Minor and Patch revisions prior to opening master for new development. While the scripts manage the updates and committals internally, each project’s package.json would remain unmodified, making it challenging to determine which packages have been upgraded, and which have not. Having to automate or manually inspect the yarn.lock files is less than ideal, and quite cumbersome to say the least.

Fortunately, like most things in the Javascript world, there is a package for this; syncyarnlock, which provides exactly what one would need to ensure that the dependency versions defined in package.json are kept in sync with the project’s yarn.lock.

Simply install syncyarnlock, and execute with the options applicable to your needs.

For example, to sync a project’s package.json with the project’s yarn.lock, and have the ranges remain intact while updating the versions to reflect what will actually be installed, simply run: syncyarnlock -s -k.

This will result in the dependency ranges being preserved, while also updating their versions to reflect the versions that will actually be installed.

And with that, we have proper syncing. A definite time-saver!

NPM & Root Permissions

When dealing with NPM Permissions, often times it can be tempting to resort to installing modules as root (sudo), especially when under tight time constraints; where troubleshooting such issues will only serve to delay your progress.

Admittedly, I have been guilty of this more often than I care to admit. That said, being as I always have the Broken Windows Theory in the back of my mind, I knew this workaround needed to be resolved as soon as I had a moment to dig into it a bit more.

Previously, I had followed the instructions from docs.npmjs; however, they focus more on installations of global dependencies, rather than local dependencies. Fortunately, after a few quick searches, it became apparent that by simply changing permissions to the ~/.npm directory, this issue could easily be resolved as, all that is needed is to change the owner of the ~/.npm directory to the current user (as opposed to root).

To do so, simply run the following:

Likewise, you can use your username explicitly; e.g.:

And with that, the issue can safely be resolved, allowing you to run npm install as expected without having to fallback to using sudo.